Companies: 10 |
Kanalizatsionnie trubi. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.
ARMKOMPLEKTRussia, 614107, Perm City, Lebedeva St, 9
+7 342 265-15-10Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment pipe conduit Armature
GIDROSISTEMARussia, 614065, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 401
+7 342 207-08-08 -
MORE TEPLA, MAGAZINRussia, 614077, Perm City, Gagarina Blvd, 113b
+7 342 254-05-69Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment Gorelki gazovie Heating equipment. Boilers
OOO "UGK"Russia, 614026, Perm City, Sotsialisticheskaya St, 24, of. 18
+7 342 276-88-99Project and searching works Drilling, repair of boreholes Water supply, sewerage system, repair, service
PERM VODOPROVOD Russia, 614017, Perm City, Turgeneva St, 10
+7 342 266-07-46heating systems Kanalizatsionnie trubi Water supply, sewerage system, repair, service
PSTMRussia, 614990, Perm City, Marshrutnaya St, 14v
+7 342 206-28-56heating systems Kanalizatsionnie trubi Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment
SANSPETSSTROYRussia, 614058, Perm City, Derevoobdelochnaya St, 3ch, of. 4
+7 342 238-59-39Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment Sanitary engineering works
TEHAKO, TDRussia, 614083, Perm City, Zaporozhskaya St, 1
+7 342 247-14-63Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment pressure devices pipe conduit
+7 342 265-60-41Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment pipe conduit Stekloplastik
zima letoRussia, 614077, Perm City, Gagarina Blvd, 77, ofis 302
+7 342 299-55-84
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