Companies: 18 |
Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair. Perm.
+7 342 224-86-15Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment Sanitary engineering works Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair
EVROREMSTROYRussia, 614068, Perm City, Krisanova St, 11
+7 342 237-19-08Building materials and constructions, production Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Metallicheskie I zhelezobetonnie konstruktsii
GAZSISTEMRussia, 614002, Perm City, CHernishevskogo St, 17a, of. 8
+7 342 215-68-20Electrical Control & Instrumentation instruments pipe conduit insulator materials
KONAR-PERMRussia, 614058, Perm City, Derevoobdelochnaya St, 3b
+7 342 206-36-25pipe conduit Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair
NIVA, INZHENERNIE SISTEMIRussia, 614033, Perm City, Vasileva St, 19, of. 103
+7 342 215-44-54Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Sanitary engineering works Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment
PEREDVIZHNAYA MEHANIZIROVANNAYA KOLONNA № 214Russia, 614026, Perm City, Domostroitelnaya St, 33
+7 342 263-50-53Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair pipe conduit Montazh kanalizatsii
POLYARISRussia, 614087, Perm City, Malkova St, 26, ofis 1
+7 342 238-56-36Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair pipe conduit
PRINTSIPRussia, 614068, Perm City, Sergeya Danschina St, 5 stroenie 3
+7 342 206-33-58Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair insulator materials Teploizolyatsiya
PROMREMSTROYRussia, 614070, Perm City, Makarenko St, 56
+7 342 201-91-90Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Krovelnie raboti Replanning of quarters
SANSPETSSTROYRussia, 614058, Perm City, Derevoobdelochnaya St, 3ch, of. 4
+7 342 238-59-39Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment Sanitary engineering works
SANTEH-KOMFORTRussia, 614101, Perm City, Marshala Ribalko St, 41
+7 342 278-67-08Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Montazh kanalizatsii
SANTEHPROFI, MONTAZHNAYA FIRMARussia, 614016, Perm City, Sedova St, 22/2, of. 307a
+7 342 271-90-78Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment Sanitary engineering works Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair
SPETSMONTAZHPROEKTRussia, 614000, Perm City, Gazeti "Zvezda" St, 12, ofisi 206, 215
+7 342 212-37-13Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Stroitelstvo gazoprovodov
STELSRussia, 614077, Perm City, Pushkarskaya St, 1381
+7 342 266-63-22Jil, chemical and gas equipment pipe conduit Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair
STROY-NORMARussia, 614068, Perm City, Ekaterininskaya St, 165
+7 342 236-62-03Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair pipe conduit
URAL-KRussia, 614500, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 320a
+7 342 201-30-84pipe conduit Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Floors. Floor covering
USPEHRussia, 614025, Perm City, Brigadirskaya St, 14
+7 342 268-01-97Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Heat-insulated materials Teploizolyatsiya
VERTIKALRussia, 614000, Perm City, Nikolaya Ostrovskogo St, 6
+7 342 216-49-33Tubing, underground service, assembling and repair Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment pipe conduit
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