Companies: 16 |
Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.
A.G.L. DORSTROYINVESTRussia, 614064, Perm City, Usolskaya St, 13a
+7 342 241-24-19Building and repair of roads and bridges earthworks Equipment for building. Roadbuilding technics
ATMRussia, 614007, Perm City, Revolyutsii St, 3/7
+7 342 216-47-10Building and repair of roads and bridges Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
EKO-PLYUSRussia, 614000, Perm City, Permskaya St, 124, of. 204
+7 342 218-28-76Building and repair of roads and bridges Stroitelnie raboti Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
MikmaRussia, 614065, Perm City, Promishlennaya St, 97b
+7 342 205-51-55Building and repair of roads and bridges Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
PARTNER, ZHELEZNODOROZHNAYA STROITELNAYA KOMPANIYA (ZHDSK)Russia, 614031, Perm City, Dokuchaeva St, 50b, of. 211
+7 342 205-54-72Remont zheleznodorozhnih putey Soderzhanie zheleznodorozhnih putey Building and repair of roads and bridges
PERMAVTODOR, FILIAL G. KRASNOKAMSKRussia, 617060, Perm Region, Krasnokamsk Town, Dorozhniy alley, 4
+7 34273 4-36-85 -
PERMAVTODORRussia, 614087, Perm City, Rabochaya St, 7
+7 342 211-38-00Building and repair of roads and bridges Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
PERMDORSTROYRussia, 614087, Perm City, Rabochaya St, 7
+7 342 211-38-10Building and repair of roads and bridges Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
PERMINZHSELSTROYRussia, 614094, Perm City, Svyazistov St, 24
+7 342 224-43-43Building and repair of roads and bridges Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
PERMSKAYA DOROZHNO-STROITELNAYA KOMPANIYA (DSK)Russia, 614077, Perm City, Gagarina Blvd, 74, ofis 302
+7 919-448-50-98Building and repair of roads and bridges Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
PMK № 11Russia, 618546, Perm Region, Solikamsk Town, Karnallitovaya St, 103/1
+7 34253 7-20-62 -
PROTEKT, NPORussia, 614065, Perm City, Energetikov St, 39a
+7 342 226-42-94 -
PUTNIKRussia, 614038, Perm City, Akademika Vedeneeva St, 16, ofis 1
+7 342 284-55-66Building and repair of roads and bridges geodetic survey civil engineering constructive works
RADAR, AGENTSTVO DOROZHNOY INFORMATSIIRussia, 614000, Perm City, Permskaya St, 37, of. 208
+7 342 210-15-33Building and repair of roads and bridges Dorozhnoe stroitelstvo
START CITY GROUP, STROITELNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614060, Perm City, Krupskoy St, 5
+7 342 294-09-11 -
TSENTR GIDROIZOLYATSII I ZASCHITNIH POKRITIY, TSGZP Russia, 614058, Perm City, Derevoobdelochnaya St, 8V, of. 8
+7 342 238-86-21Project and searching works Repair and buiding works Drenazh
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