Companies: 3 |
Monolitnoe stroitelstvo . Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.
ALYANS, STROITELNIY HOLDINGRussia, 614033, Perm City, Lodigina St, 9, of. 1
+7 342 242-69-60Building of utilities, constructions, playgrounds Metallokonstruktsii sandwich panels
DAR, GRUPPA KOMPANIYRussia, 614036, Perm City, Ryazanskaya St, 101, of. 7
+7 342 293-96-31Building of cotteges and private houses heating systems Karkasnie doma
UTSRussia, 614010, Perm City, Komsomolskiy avenue, 89
+7 342 294-16-77Floors. Floor covering Repair. Interior finishing Repair and buiding works