Companies: 41

Soprovozhdenie . Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.

  1. ADVOKATSKIY KABINET TSELISCHEV S.V.Russia, 618400, Perm Region, Berezniki Town, - St
    +7 3424 20-94-36

    YUrist  Advokatskiy kabinet  Zaschita prav 

  2. AGENTSTVO NEDVIZHIMOSTI PERMI I PERMSKOGO RAYONARussia, 614065, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 353, of.2
    +7 342 247-73-70

    Arenda nedvizhimosti  Zemleustroystvo, kartografiya, geodeziya  Rental of land 

  3. AGENTSTVO NEDVIZHIMOSTI VERBITSKAYA ELENA VLADIMIROVNARussia, 618400, Perm Region, Berezniki Town, Lenina avenue, 47, ofis 203
    +7 3424 266-157

    Real estate operations  Lodging rent  Ipoteka 

  4. AGENTSTVO NEDVIZHIMOSTIRussia, 614045, Perm City, Lunacharskogo St, 21
    +7 342 293-86-46

    Agentstva nedvizhimosti  privatization  Real estate exchange 

  5. AGENTSTVO NEDVIZHIMOSTIRussia, 614112, Perm City, Repina St, 63
    +7 342 285-24-31

    Agentstva nedvizhimosti  Real estate exchange  Soprovozhdenie  

  6. BIZNES-PARTNERRussia, 618540, Perm Region, Solikamsk Town, 20 let Pobedi St, 119, of. 213
    +7 34253 6-00-13

    Legal advice offices  civil law  Zemelnoe pravo 

  7. ESKORT GRUPPRussia, 614030, Perm City, Vilyamsa St, 4a
    +7 342 293-45-59

    Agentstva nedvizhimosti  privatization  Real estate exchange 

  8. FINIST, YURIDICHESKOE BYURORussia, 614000, Perm City, Permskaya St, 37, of. 217
    +7 342 218-31-94

    Agentstva nedvizhimosti  Zemleustroystvo  Soprovozhdenie  

  9. GORODSKAYA IPOTECHNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614000, Perm City, Sibirskaya St, 9, of. 616
    +7 342 298-89-14

    Ipoteka  Agentstva nedvizhimosti  Financial market 

  10. GoodwillRussia, 614077, Perm City, Gagarina Blvd, 65a
    +7 342 261-82-95

    Development  Arenda nedvizhimosti  Upravlyayuschie kompanii 

  11. INFORM-NALOGKONSALTING, FILIAL V PERMSKOM RAYONERussia, 614065, Perm City, Verhnemullinskaya St, 75
    +7 342 278-17-71

    Accounting services. Audit  Accounting support  Soprovozhdenie  

  12. INFORM-NALOGKONSALTINGRussia, 614007, Perm City, Maksima Gorkogo St, 65a
    +7 342 210-77-40

    Accounting services. Audit  Accounting support  Soprovozhdenie  

  13. KAMA-SOFTRussia, 614066, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 11127, ofis 204
    +7 342 246-28-84

    Soft  1C programmes  Accountant's programmes 

  14. KOMPAS, TSENTR PSIHOLOGO-MEDIKO-SOTSIALNOGO SOPROVOZHDENIYARussia, 617060, Perm Region, Krasnokamsk Town, SHvai alley, 3/6
    +7 34273 4-02-42

    SOCIAL PROTECTION OF POPULATION  Psycologist  Soprovozhdenie  

  15. KV-KONSALT, YURIDICHESKAYA FIRMARussia, 614016, Perm City, Kuybisheva St, 47, of. 33
    +7 342 203-75-25

    YUridicheskaya konsultatsiya  Accounting services. Audit  Legal advice offices 

  16. LINKS DYNAMICSRussia, 614000, Perm City, Komsomolskiy avenue, 34, of. 605
    +7 912-788-68-09

    Language tanslations  excursions  Soprovozhdenie  

  17. LINKS DYNAMICSRussia, 614016, Perm City, Kuybisheva St, 50, of. 1103
    +7 922-381-58-14

    Language tanslations  Perevodi  Soprovozhdenie  

  18. MAGNAT, AGENTSTVO NEDVIZHIMOSTIRussia, 614039, Perm City, Gazeti "Zvezda" St, 54
    +7 342 277-90-26

    real estate buy and sell  Agentstva nedvizhimosti  Real estate exchange 

  19. MECH, OHRANNOE PREDPRIYATIERussia, 614030, Perm City, Gayvinskaya St, 105
    +7 342 274-15-79

    Protective equipment. Signalling  Protective activity  Montazh videonablyudeniya  

  20. NEKRASOVA, AGENTSTVO NEDVIZHIMOSTIRussia, 614113, Perm City, Marshala Ribalko St, 30
    +7 342 252-43-15

    Agentstva nedvizhimosti  Real estate exchange  privatization 

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