Companies: 12 |
ventilated facades. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.
+7 342 294-23-92Advertising acrivity Polygraphic service Teplitsi Iz polikarbonata
KROVLI IZ EVROPIRussia, 614000, Perm City, Permskaya St, 70, of. 204
+7 342 210-58-92 -
LADNIY DOM, STROITELNO-TORGOVAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614010, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 4
+7 800-200-62-82 -
PRETOR, FILIALRussia, 614033, Perm City, Vasileva St, 5b, ofis 1
+7 342 227-53-60ondulin Building and trimming materials Svetodiodnoe osveschenie
PRETOR, OFISRussia, 614025, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 105
+7 342 206-85-75Building and trimming materials ondulin Svetodiodnoe osveschenie
PROMVERTIKALRussia, 614107, Perm City, Ivanovskaya St, 32a
+7 342 265-99-74buildings and structures reconstruction Repair and buiding works faces repair
SOVREMENNIE KROVLI I FASADIRussia, 614107, Perm City, Uralskaya St, 102, of. 302
+7 342 276-98-24 -
STALTREYD, TORGOVIY DOMRussia, 614064, Perm City, CHkalova St, 9e, of. 532
+7 342 249-85-88 -
STEK, STROITELNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614060, Perm City, Krupskoy St, 34, of. 220
+7 902-791-07-60Building of cotteges and private houses wooden Houses Doma Iz brevna
STROYINTERRussia, 614000, Perm City, Lenina St, 15
+7 342 225-10-15 -
URALSTROYEKSPERTRussia, 614111, Perm City, Soldatova St, 16
+7 342 271-83-16Repair and buiding works Krovelnie raboti ventilated facades
VSE DLYA KROVLI I FASADARussia, 614990, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 105 korp. 17/1
+7 342 240-40-44
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