Companies: 102 |
Remontnie raboti. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.
AELITA-SERVISRussia, 614087, Perm City, Akademika Vavilova St, 11a
+7 342 237-96-69 -
ALEKSIY, RSPRussia, 614065, Perm City, Promishlennaya St, 84
+7 342 220-29-68Repair and buiding works Industrial equipment Saw-timber. Finish
ALMAZNOE BURENIERussia, 614045, Perm City, Monastirskaya St, 14
+7 342 294-43-03Project and searching works Drilling, repair of boreholes Repair and buiding works
AMBER-STROYSERVISRussia, 614022, Perm City, Mira St, 45a
+7 342 227-44-00Building of cotteges and private houses Repair and buiding works faces repair
ARTEL, STROITELNAYA FIRMARussia, 614064, Perm City, CHkalova St, 7a
+7 342 268-42-93Repair and buiding works Remontnie raboti Stroitelnie raboti
AST LEVSHARussia, 614025, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 10522
+7 342 293-10-09Design of quarters. Interior Repair. Interior finishing Remontnie raboti
ASTRON, STROITELNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614000, Perm City, Ekaterininskaya St, 55
+7 342 212-55-66Repair and buiding works civil engineering constructive works Kapitalniy remont
BEREZNIKIHIMSTROYRussia, 618400, Perm Region, Berezniki Town, Lenina avenue, 47, ofis 318
+7 3424 26-31-83Repair and buiding works. Start-adjusting operations Remontnie raboti Stroitelnie raboti
BUD, STROITELNAYA FIRMARussia, 614990, Perm City, Sergeya Danschina St, 5, ofis 336
+7 342 218-19-51 -
DIZ-AYNRussia, 614065, Perm City, Kosmonavta Leonova St, 10a
+7 342 298-01-43 -
ELDVIG, PKFRussia, 617766, Perm Region, CHaykovskiy Town, Dekabristov St, 2314
+7 34241 2-91-05Electrical equipment. Repair Industry enterprises. Plants electromotors
ELEKTROSERVISRussia, 618554, Perm Region, Solikamsk Town, Kominterna St, 14
+7 34253 7-72-72video viewing Repair and buiding works. Start-adjusting operations Pozharnaya signalizatsiya
ESTKOMRussia, 614066, Perm City, Snayperov St, 1a
+7 342 250-91-15 -
GLOBUS, STROITELNO-PROMISHLENNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614002, Perm City, CHernishevskogo St, 19a, of. 2
+7 342 298-94-62Repair. Interior finishing Repair and buiding works Okna PVH
GSI-PERMNEFTEGAZSTROYRussia, 614055, Perm City, Promishlennaya St, 84b
+7 342 220-14-24Repair and buiding works Stroitelstvo gazoprovodov Remontnie raboti
GSI-TREST № 7Russia, 614065, Perm City, Promishlennaya St, 1031
+7 342 206-11-39 -
HIMMONTAZH, PMFRussia, 614113, Perm City, Lasvinskaya St, 100
+7 342 250-68-05 -
INKOM, INZHENERNIE KOMMUNIKATSIIRussia, 614033, Perm City, Kuybisheva St, 130, of. 205
+7 342 256-60-13Repair and buiding works Water supply, sewerage system, repair, service Remontnie raboti
KAMAREGION, STROITELNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614000, Perm City, Monastirskaya St, 12a
+7 342 211-07-71Building of utilities, constructions, playgrounds Repair and buiding works Krovelnie raboti
KASKAD, KOMPANIYARussia, 617762, Perm Region, CHaykovskiy Town, Sovetskaya St, 1/13a
+7 34241 4-64-40Repair and buiding works. Start-adjusting operations Building and trimming materials Remontnie raboti