Companies: 9 |
Corrosion resistant materials. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.
AKZ1Russia, 614990, Perm City, Tramvaynaya St, 27
+7 342 246-52-83 -
COLORCENTERRussia, 614007, Perm City, Maksima Gorkogo St, 64
+7 342 210-60-42 -
KRONOS-PERMRussia, 614990, Perm City, Sergeya Danschina St, 71
+7 342 218-26-34 -
ORION, TSENTR INNOVATSIONNIH TEHNOLOGIYRussia, 614030, Perm City, Pisareva St, 1a
+7 342 202-91-23Building and trimming materials Heat-insulated materials Corrosion Protection
PENETRON-PERM, TDRussia, 614065, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 306a
+7 342 297-96-83Building and trimming materials water proofing Corrosion resistant materials
PROMETRussia, 614033, Perm City, Vasileva St, 3, ofis 17
+7 342 293-80-00Paintwork products anti-corrosive elaboration Corrosion resistant materials
ROSTTORGRussia, 614025, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 10543
+7 342 259-57-50 -
TEPLOSBEREGAYUSCHAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614083, Perm City, Holmogorskaya St, 2v, ofis 2
+7 342 241-85-00Heat-insulated materials Assembly, start-adjusting operations anti-corrosive elaboration
YUNIVERKRussia, 614068, Perm City, Suhobrusa St, 27, of. 109
+7 342 298-06-96
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