Companies: 25 |
Laking and pipeline armature. Perm.
AKTIVENERGOPROMRussia, 614000, Perm City, Monastirskaya St, 61, of. 510
+7 342 217-90-60 -
AKVATERM LYUKSRussia, 614007, Perm City, Revolyutsii St, 7
+7 342 216-08-80Trubi polipropilenovie Sanitary engineering Water-purification filters
ARMATURA TEK, TORGOVAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614530, Perm Region, Perm district, Ustinovo Village, SHkolnaya St, 21
+7 342 219-59-92 -
ARMATURNOE SNABZHENIE I KOMPLEKTATSIYA (ASK)Russia, 614113, Perm City, Galperina St, 12a
+7 342 250-17-91Burovoe oborudovanie Laking and pipeline armature pipe conduit
DOMINANT, MPORussia, 614022, Perm City, Karpinskogo St, 91a
+7 342 206-31-18Laking and pipeline armature Metal-roll. Metalwear.Wire products Nasosnoe oborudovanie
ENERGOMASHKOMPLEKT, PERMSKOE PREDSTAVITELSTVORussia, 614025, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 10570, of. 210
+7 342 259-54-90 -
ENERGOTEHRussia, 614064, Perm City, CHkalova St, 7, of. 32
+7 342 249-88-11 -
FAVORIT, KOMPANIYARussia, 614032, Perm City, Magistralnaya St, 88
+7 342 250-20-28Automobile Spare parts, automobile equipment Laking and pipeline armature Asbestotehnicheskie izdeliya
FERRUM, METALLOPROKATRussia, 614010, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 7a, of. 318
+7 342 215-03-67 -
GAZ SERVIS GARANTRussia, 614000, Perm City, Monastirskaya St, 14, ofis 407
+7 342 235-02-64Jil, chemical and gas equipment Tubing, tubing rent Metal-roll. Metalwear.Wire products
GAZKOMPLEKTTEHNOLOGIYARussia, 614015, Perm City, Stroiteley St, 10, of. 2
+7 342 229-77-05Heating equipment. Boilers Laking and pipeline armature Energy saving equipment
GAZSISTEMRussia, 614002, Perm City, CHernishevskogo St, 17a, of. 8
+7 342 215-68-20Electrical Control & Instrumentation instruments pipe conduit insulator materials
KPP-6Russia, 614068, Perm City, Popova St, 21
+7 342 257-60-08Industrial equipment Nasosnoe oborudovanie Laking and pipeline armature
MAGNITRussia, 614068, Perm City, Naberezhnaya St, 2 korpus B, of. 6
+7 342 215-99-99metalwork Metal-roll. Metalwear.Wire products Plazmennaya rezka
METALLSNABKOMPLEKTRussia, 614990, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 76 sklad №7, of. 219
+7 342 214-77-71corrugated products wiring metal Metal-roll. Metalwear.Wire products
MORE TEPLA, MAGAZINRussia, 614077, Perm City, Gagarina Blvd, 113b
+7 342 254-05-69Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment Gorelki gazovie Heating equipment. Boilers
OVK-SNABRussia, 614012, Perm City, Norilskaya St, 8, of. 202, 208
+7 342 270-11-00Laking and pipeline armature insulator materials fixing hardware
PALYUR, REGIONALNAYA GAZOVAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614081, Perm City, Goleva St, 10a
+7 342 214-00-86 -
PERMSKIE TRUBOPROVODNIE SISTEMIRussia, 614025, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 92, ofis 303a
+7 342 240-54-31 -
PROMELEMENTRussia, 614065, Perm City, Energetikov St, 40
+7 342 202-02-66pipe conduit Jil, chemical and gas equipment Laking and pipeline armature
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