Companies: 11

engineering tools. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.

  1. AKADEMIYA INSTRUMENTA, FIRMENNIY MAGAZIN P. ILINSKIYRussia, Perm Region, Ilinskiy Industrial community, Lenina St, 11
    +7 919-715-97-25

    Instrument  rototillers  expendable materials 

  2. AKADEMIYA INSTRUMENTARussia, 614111, Perm City, Saranskaya St, 5
    +7 342 211-31-13

    Instruments  agricultural technics  rototillers 

  3. GARO-URAL, AVTOSERVISNOE OBORUDOVANIERussia, 614000, Perm City, Usolskaya St, 153
    +7 342 294-56-05

    tire fitting  compressors  Svarochnie apparati 

  4. INSTRUMENT PROMSNABRussia, 614990, Perm City, Gazeti "Zvezda" St, 5, ofis 209
    +7 342 212-08-24

    abrasive  Industrial equipment  Chainsaws 

  5. KRASNOKAMSKIY ZAVOD METALLICHESKIH SETOKRussia, 617070, Perm Region, Krasnokamsk Town, SHosseynaya St, 23
    +7 34273 4-49-21

    Machine-building and metal-working  metalwork  wiring metal 

  6. NADEZHNIY PARTNER, ROZNICHNIY MAGAZINRussia, 614016, Perm City, Kuybisheva St, 54
    +7 342 206-50-53

    Woodworking equipment  Instruments  Welding equipment. Electrodes 

  7. SPETSMASHRussia, 617766, Perm Region, CHaykovskiy Town, Dekabristov St, 23/9
    +7 34241 2-90-13

    Industry enterprises. Plants  engineering tools 

  8. TEHSNAB, MAGAZINRussia, 618540, Perm Region, Solikamsk Town, Severnaya St, 40
    +7 34253 2-50-51

    Metalloobrabativayuschee oborudovanie  bearings  ropes 

  9. TSELINA, FIRMENNIY MAGAZINRussia, 614010, Perm City, Kuybisheva St, 115/2
    +7 342 240-81-99

    Instruments  rototillers  expendable materials 

  10. URAL-INSTRUMENT-PUMORIRussia, 614014, Perm City, 1905 goda St, 351
    +7 342 215-45-18

    Instruments  Industrial equipment  compressors 

  11. URALPROMSNABKOMPLEKTRussia, 614107, Perm City, Lebedeva St, 18
    +7 342 263-05-77

    Fans  pressure devices  engineering tools 

  • 1

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