Companies: 56

POLAZNA. Perm region.

  1. PolaznaRussia, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, - St
    +7 950-449-33-83

    POLAZNA  Otdih  Semeyniy otdih 

  2. ROSTEHINVENTARIZATSIYA-FEDERALNOE BTI, OTDELENIE № 10 P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Parkovaya St, 10
    +7 34265 9-40-02

    POLAZNA  inventory 

  3. SBERBANK ROSSII, BANKOMAT V P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Neftyanikov St, 34
    +7 800-555-55-50


  4. SBERBANK ROSSII, BANKOMAT V P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Neftyanikov St, 11
    +7 800-555-55-50


  5. SBERBANK ROSSII, DOPOLNITELNIY OFIS № 6984/0509Russia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Neftyanikov St, 11
    +7 800-555-55-50


  6. SDYUSHOR PO GORNOLIZHNOMU SPORTU I SNOUBORDURussia, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, - St
    +7 34265 7-55-31


  7. SERVICING OF CONDUIT TRANSPORTRussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Transportniy alley, 1
    +7 34265 9-41-11

    pipe conduit  POLAZNA 

  8. SHKOLA TEHNICHESKOGO REZERVA P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Bolnichnaya St, 1
    +7 34265 7-74-12


  9. SHKOLA № 1 P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, 50 Let Oktyabrya St, 3
    +7 34265 7-52-37


  10. SHKOLA № 3 P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Druzhbi St, 5
    +7 34265 7-52-43


  11. SMK RESO-MED, PUNKT VIDACHI POLISOV P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, 50 Let Oktyabrya St, 13
    +7 34265 7-53-29

    POLAZNA  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  12. STROYMAKS, MAGAZIN STROYMATERIALOVRussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Bolnichnaya St, 9b
    +7 982-493-55-04


  13. SVYAZIST, BAZA OTDIHARussia, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, - St
    +7 950-452-21-22

    POLAZNA  Garden houses  Mangali 

  14. UNOMOMENTO, ITALYANSKAYA HIMCHISTKA I PRACHECHNAYA, PRIEMNIY PUNKT POS. POLAZNARussia, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Gazovikov St, 10
    +7 902-830-70-51

    Stirka pleda  Stirka spetsodezhdi  Stirka shtor 

  15. URALSPETSSTROYRussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Parkovaya St, 12, ofis 227
    +7 34265 9-22-60


  16. VESTI POLAZNI, REDAKTSIYA GAZETIRussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, Druzhbi St, 6, 3
    +7 34265 7-75-56


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