Companies: 31

meters. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.

  1. MORE TEPLA, MAGAZINRussia, 614077, Perm City, Gagarina Blvd, 113b
    +7 342 254-05-69

    Sanitary engineering, municipal, sewerage system equipment  Gorelki gazovie  Heating equipment. Boilers 

  2. NIKASRussia, 617760, Perm Region, CHaykovskiy Town, Primorskiy Blvd, 26, ofis 11
    +7 34241 3-48-51

    Cash registers. Denomination counter. Balance  Office supplies  Polygraphic service 

  3. OSKAR, MAGAZIN SANTEHNIKIRussia, 614038, Perm City, Akademika Vedeneeva St, 48
    +7 342 284-29-28

    Internet magazini  Sanitary engineering  meters 

  4. PARTNER KKM, TSENTR TORGOVIH TEHNOLOGIY, FILIAL V G. BEREZNIKIRussia, 618417, Perm Region, Berezniki Town, Biryukovoy St, 7, ofis 102
    +7 800-302-11-32

    Trade equipment  Telezhki  Equipment for banks 

  5. PARTNER KKM, TSENTR TORGOVIH TEHNOLOGIYRussia, 614081, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 65
    +7 800-302-11-32

    Signalling equipment  Trade scaffolding  Montazh vesovogo oborudovaniya 

  6. PERMGAZKOMPLEKT, MAGAZIN GAZOVOGO OBORUDOVANIYARussia, 614022, Perm City, Karpinskogo St, 82
    +7 342 280-24-67

    Jil, chemical and gas equipment  gas-stoves  Electrical Control & Instrumentation instruments 

  7. SIMOS, NTTSRussia, 614990, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 41
    +7 342 290-93-77

    meters  installation of signallings  Connection servicing 

  8. SVETOTEHNIKARussia, 614990, Perm City, Reshetnikovskiy null, 5
    +7 342 238-58-42

    Svetovie i svetodiodnie sistemi  Svetotehnika  candelabrums 

  9. TESTMETROLODZHIRussia, 614111, Perm City, Ufimskaya St, 8
    +7 342 259-27-23

    Standardization. Metrology  meters 

  10. URALSNABRussia, 614014, Perm City, Solikamskaya St, 35a
    +7 342 277-91-06

    Industrial equipment  Svetotehnika  Elektroschetchiki 

  11. VIDIKONRussia, 614113, Perm City, Oboronschikov St, 8, ofis 216
    +7 342 282-74-81

    Cash registers. Denomination counter. Balance  receipt tape  Commercial equipment repair. Service 

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