Companies: 204

Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting. Perm.

  1. IMIDZH SHOURussia, Perm City, - St
    +7 342 247-56-55

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting 

  2. IMLAYT-PERMRussia, 614000, Perm City, Sovetskaya St, 28
    +7 342 212-99-55

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  concerts  Light and sound equipment 

  3. INDIGO PLYUS, PRAZDNICHNOE AGENTSTVORussia, 614036, Perm City, Kachalova St, 20
    +7 919-455-75-29

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Provedenie prazdnika  Provedenie torzhestv 

  4. IRINA IGNATEVA, SVADEBNIY ORGANIZATORRussia, 614060, Perm City, Krupskoy St, 34, of. 207
    +7 342 277-51-69

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Provedenie prazdnika  Provedenie torzhestv 

  5. IZDATELSTVO KRASOTIRussia, 614000, Perm City, Gazeti "Zvezda" St, 5
    +7 950-455-11-69

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Oformlenie pomescheniy 

  6. KASSIOPEYA, MAGAZIN TTS "BIRYUSA"Russia, 614000, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 63
    +7 342 287-15-15

    Pyrotechnics. Fireworks  Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Bengalskie svechi 

  7. KASSIOPEYA, MAGAZIN TTS "RADUGA"Russia, 614000, Perm City, Krasnoarmeyskaya 1-ya St, 6
    +7 342 287-15-15

    Pyrotechnics. Fireworks  Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Bengalskie svechi 

  8. KASSIOPEYA, MAGAZIN-SKLAD, D. KROHOVORussia, 614000, Perm Region, Perm district, Krohovo Village, Polevaya St, 12a
    +7 342 287-15-15

    Organizatsiya yubileev, detskih prazdnikov, svadeb  Pyrotechnics. Fireworks  Wedding corteges 

  9. KONFETTI, PRAZDNICHNOE AGENTSTVORussia, 614113, Perm City, Marshala Ribalko St, 34
    +7 902-478-58-77

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting 

    +7 342 247-09-09

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting 

  11. KORPORATSIYA SOYUZ, AGENTSTVO PRAZDNIKOVRussia, 614068, Perm City, Lenina St, 88, of. 613
    +7 342 247-92-48

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Provedenie prazdnika 

  12. KREATIV, TANTSEVALNAYA STUDIYA, SVADEBNIY TANETSRussia, 614000, Perm City, Monastirskaya St, 12b
    +7 902-631-88-10

    Dances, training  Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  SHkola tantsev 

  13. Klassic quartetRussia, Perm City, - St
    +7 912-984-01-59

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Muzikalnie kollektivi  

  14. Konference-hall Gree plazaRussia, 614010, Perm City, Kuybisheva St, 95b
    +7 342 288-81-11

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Conference hall  Treningi 

  15. KvadratRussia, 614016, Perm City, Mehanoshina St, 29, of. 101
    +7 902-804-22-59

    Igrushki Iz sharov  Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  decoration of bouquets 

  16. LA VANDA, FLOWER HOUSERussia, Perm City, - St
    +7 902-479-38-55

    Flowers. Bouquets, decoration  Bouquets  Oformlenie pomescheniy 

  17. LAVKA KLOUNA, PRIKOLI. SHARI. PIROTEHNIKA. PRAZDNIKIRussia, 614111, Perm City, Soldatova St, 26
    +7 952-334-43-10

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Pyrotechnics. Fireworks  Package 

  18. LAYTMASTER-PERMRussia, 614111, Perm City, YAblochkova St, 26b
    +7 342 281-61-68

    Light and sound equipment  light  Sound 

  19. LUCKY LIFE, SVADEBNOE AGENTSTVORussia, 614007, Perm City, Nikolaya Ostrovskogo St, 59, of. 613
    +7 342 288-08-33

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Organization of differenrt activities 

  20. MAGAZIN SVADEBNIH USLUGRussia, 614068, Perm City, Lenina St, 73
    +7 912-781-88-75

    Organization of celebrations. Cars and apartments' setting  Organization of differenrt activities  Oformlenie pomescheniy 

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