Companies: 169

Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city. Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.

  1. TRASKORussia, 614031, Perm City, Dokuchaeva St, 33, of. 402
    +7 342 253-77-77

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  cargo  Ekspeditsionnie uslugi 

  2. TRASSA M7Russia, 614101, Perm City, Lasvinskaya St, 22, of. 11
    +7 342 250-40-70

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  cargo  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

  3. TRK-PERMRussia, 614065, Perm City, Promishlennaya St, 110
    +7 342 271-48-55

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Rental of construction equipment and machinery  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

  4. TST KARGO, PERMSKOE PREDSTAVITELSTVORussia, 614990, Perm Region, Perm district, Bolshoe Savino Village, Aerodromnaya St, 2
    +7 342 294-99-49

    avia-traffic  Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  air cargo 

  5. Transteh LLCRussia, 614030, Perm City, Novogayvinskaya St, 92
    +7 342 274-61-60

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city  Perevozka gruzov  

  6. URAL-BIZNES Russia, 614058, Perm City, Krasina St, 37
    +7 342 238-60-83

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  cargo  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

  7. URALAVTODOM, TRANSPORTNO-EKSPEDITSIONNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614500, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 316/7
    +7 342 215-30-33

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Perevozka gruzov   Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

  8. URALCONTAINERRussia, 614031, Perm City, Dokuchaeva St, 60, ofis 312
    +7 342 230-22-98

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  container traffic  cargo 

  9. URALENERGOTRANS, PERMSKIY FILIALRussia, 614081, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 61
    +7 342 233-53-83

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Bus terminal, passenger transportation  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

    +7 342 288-09-11

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Rental of construction equipment and machinery  Arenda krana 

  11. URALMEHANIZATSIYA, KOMPANIYA PO ZAKAZU SPETSTEHNIKIRussia, 614023, Perm City, Promuchastok St, 40
    +7 342 230-53-34

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Negabaritnie perevozki  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

  12. URALSTROYPOSTAVKARussia, 614058, Perm City, Fominskaya St, 38, of. 11
    +7 342 238-60-70

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Nerudnie materiali  broken-stone ballast 

    +7 982-470-00-07

    Railway station. Railway service  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city  container traffic 

  14. URALTRANSHOLDING, TRANSPORTNO-EKSPEDITSIONNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614031, Perm City, Dokuchaeva St, 33, of. 422
    +7 342 219-67-80

    Railway station. Railway service  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city  container traffic 

  15. UTS, UDOBNAYA TRANSPORTNAYA SLUZHBARussia, 614500, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 316/5
    +7 342 270-03-04

    forwarding agency  Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Motor transportation 

  16. UTT PAO "TREST № 14"Russia, 614036, Perm City, Ryazanskaya St, 101
    +7 342 214-06-46

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Motor transportation  cargo 

  17. VALEN, TRANSPORTNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614094, Perm City, Ovchinnikova St, 29a
    +7 342 224-54-47

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  cargo  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

  18. VEKTOR-TRANS, TRANSPORTNAYA KOMPANTIYARussia, 614000, Perm City, Petropavlovskaya St, 15a
    +7 342 294-51-41

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  cargo  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

  19. VEZYOMSLONARussia, 614065, Perm City, Belyaeva St, 48
    +7 922-322-10-50

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city  cargo 

  20. VIRATRANSRussia, 614036, Perm City, Kosmonavta Leonova St, 41, ofis 200
    +7 342 271-07-67

    Freight traffic. Transport and expeditionary service  Truck crane  Freight transport by Russia, the land, the city 

The help system "ALLO" contains the information on overwhelming majority of really working companies and the organizations of Perm and the Perm edge in the database. We constantly collect the data from firms about their goods, services and contacts and we watch an urgency of this information. We hope that you will find in our products the companies interesting you, the goods and services. Yours faithfully, collective Izdateltsva NjuToN in Perm.

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