Companies: 86 |
Arenda nedvizhimosti. Perm.
KVARTIRAPERM, KVARTIRI NA SUTKI V PERMIRussia, 614094, Perm City, Svyazistov St, 5, ofis 5
+7 342 298-00-44 -
+7 904-849-62-91 -
KVARTIRI POSUTOCHNO V PERMIRussia, 614068, Perm City, Krisanova St, 26b
+7 919-716-77-10 -
Karmenta LLCRussia, 614058, Perm City, Tramvaynaya St, 14, ofis 301
+7 342 222-68-88Arenda nedvizhimosti Clothes, accessories Building of utilities, constructions, playgrounds
LENCOM, TORGOVO-OFISNIY TSENTRRussia, 614000, Perm City, Komsomolskiy avenue, 28a
+7 342 202-13-72 -
MANGUST, UPRAVLYAYUSCHAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614068, Perm City, Dzerzhinskogo St, 59, ofis A-401
+7 342 259-04-40 -
NIKA, AGENTSTVO NEDVIZHIMOSTIRussia, 614000, Perm City, Permskaya St, 124, ofis 503
+7 342 257-18-00 -
NOVINKARussia, 614068, Perm City, Ekaterininskaya St, 163
+7 342 236-61-63 -
OFIS-SITI, UPRAVLYAYUSCHAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614022, Perm City, Stahanovskaya St, 45, of. 504a
+7 342 257-15-60Upravlyayuschie kompanii Arenda nedvizhimosti Arenda kommercheskoy nedvizhimosti
ORIONRussia, 614068, Perm City, Dzerzhinskogo St, 17
+7 342 237-15-79Arenda nedvizhimosti Upravlenie nedvizhimostyu Rent warehouse
OSTROVSKIY, TORGOVIY KOMPLEKSRussia, 614002, Perm City, Nikolaya Ostrovskogo St, 93a
+7 342 219-02-18Automobile accessories. Automobile audiotechnics, automobile literature Car spare parts for cars from abroad Car spare parts for domestically produced cars
PAN CITY GROUP, OFIS PRODAZHRussia, 614000, Perm City, Lenina St, 72a
+7 342 257-17-17Upravlenie nedvizhimostyu Building of utilities, constructions, playgrounds Agentstva nedvizhimosti
PAN CITY GROUP, TSENTRALNIY OFISRussia, 614066, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 11143
+7 342 257-00-11Upravlenie nedvizhimostyu Building of utilities, constructions, playgrounds Arenda kommercheskoy nedvizhimosti
PERM-INTEROPTRussia, 614046, Perm City, Vodoprovodnaya 3-ya St, 1
+7 342 222-56-60 -
PERMFISHRussia, 614990, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 110, of. 404
+7 342 268-90-50 -
PERMGALANTEREYARussia, 614990, Perm City, Kuybisheva St, 130
+7 342 242-46-20 -
PERMGLAVSNAB, BAZARussia, 614068, Perm City, Naberezhnaya St, 10
+7 342 218-24-64 -
PERMGRAZHDANPROEKTRussia, 614010, Perm City, Geroev Hasana St, 7a, ofis 228
+7 342 293-81-88 -
PERMINVESTSTROYRussia, 614094, Perm City, Milchakova St, 19
+7 342 224-74-04 -
PERMSKIY EKSPERIMENTALNIY MEHANICHESKIY ZAVOD (PEMZ)Russia, 614013, Perm City, Naberezhnaya 3-ya St, 42
+7 342 210-59-50