Companies: 385

Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie . Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.

  1. SMK RESO-MED, ALEKSANDROVSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 618320, Perm Region, Aleksandrovsk Town, Lenina St, 38, of. 37
    +7 34274 3-59-42

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  2. SMK RESO-MED, BEREZOVSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617460, Perm Region, Berezovka district, Berezovka Village, SHkolnaya St, 1
    +7 34251 3-15-57

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  3. SMK RESO-MED, BOLSHESOSNOVSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617150, Perm Region, Bolshaya Sosnova district, Bolshaya Sosnova Village, Lenina St, 2, of. 41
    +7 34257 2-74-18

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  4. SMK RESO-MED, CHASTINSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617170, Perm Region, CHastie Village, Gorkogo St, 86
    +7 34268 2-10-96

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  5. SMK RESO-MED, CHAYKOVSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617740, Perm Region, CHaykovskiy Town, Primorskiy Blvd, 32a, ofis 122
    +7 34241 3-71-70

    Insurance  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  6. SMK RESO-MED, CHERNUSHINSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617830, Perm Region, CHernushka Town, YUbileynaya St, 18
    +7 34261 4-43-49

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  7. SMK RESO-MED, DOBRYANSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 618740, Perm Region, Dobryanka Town, Gertsena St, 40, of. 2
    +7 34265 2-78-59

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  8. SMK RESO-MED, GREMYACHINSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 618270, Perm Region, Gremyachinsk Town, Sverdlova St, 7
    +7 34250 2-15-73

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  9. SMK RESO-MED, GUBAHINSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 618250, Perm Region, Gubaha Town, Oktyabrskiy avenue, 9b
    +7 34248 4-22-25

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  10. SMK RESO-MED, KARAGAYSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617210, Perm Region, Karagay Village, Kalinina St, 26
    +7 34297 3-12-90

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  11. SMK RESO-MED, KIZELOVSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 618350, Perm Region, Kizel Town, Sovetskaya St, 22, of. 225
    +7 34255 4-00-45

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  12. SMK RESO-MED, KRASNOKAMSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617066, Perm Region, Krasnokamsk Town, Geofizikov St, 2
    +7 34273 4-24-10

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  13. SMK RESO-MED, KUNGURSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617470, Perm Region, Kungur Town, Gogolya St, 3a
    +7 34271 2-33-65

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  14. SMK RESO-MED, KUNGURSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617400, Perm Region, Kungur Town, Prosvescheniya St, 6
    +7 34271 2-33-65

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  15. SMK RESO-MED, OKTYABRSKOE OTDELENIERussia, 617860, Perm Region, Oktyabrskiy Community, Lenina St, 81, of. 12
    +7 34266 2-25-49

    INSURANCE  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  16. SMK RESO-MED, PUNKT VIDACHI POLISOV P. POLAZNARussia, 618703, Perm Region, Dobryanka district, Polazna Industrial community, 50 Let Oktyabrya St, 13
    +7 34265 7-53-29

    POLAZNA  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  17. SMK RESO-MED, PUNKT VIDACHI POLISOV P. YAYVARussia, 618340, Perm Region, Aleksandrovsk Town, YAyva Industrial community, Zavodskaya St, 26
    +7 919-719-10-88

    Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie   YAYVA 

  18. SMK RESO-MED, PUNKT VIDACHI POLISOV V DZERZHINSKOM RAYONERussia, 614000, Perm City, Kufonina St, 12, of. 217
    +7 342 229-27-88

    Medical insurance  All kinds of insurance  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  19. SMK RESO-MED, PUNKT VIDACHI POLISOV V INDUSTRIALNOM RAYONERussia, 614088, Perm City, CHerdinskaya St, 38a
    +7 342 285-05-30

    Medical insurance  All kinds of insurance  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

  20. SMK RESO-MED, PUNKT VIDACHI POLISOV V KIROVSKOM RAYONERussia, 614113, Perm City, Kalinina St, 74
    +7 342 253-33-53

    Medical insurance  All kinds of insurance  Obyazatelnoe meditsinskoe strahovanie  

The help system "ALLO" contains the information on overwhelming majority of really working companies and the organizations of Perm and the Perm edge in the database. We constantly collect the data from firms about their goods, services and contacts and we watch an urgency of this information. We hope that you will find in our products the companies interesting you, the goods and services. Yours faithfully, collective Izdateltsva NjuToN in Perm.

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