Companies: 160

Lechenie zubov . Perm and Perm Region. The catalogue of the goods and services.

  1. PRAKTIK, STOMATOLOGICHESKIY KABINET G. KRASNOKAMSKRussia, 617060, Perm Region, Krasnokamsk Town, Kommunisticheskaya St, 8
    +7 34273 4-70-05

    Meditsinskie tsentri  Hospitals, polyclinics. Emergency  Lechenie zubov  

  2. PRIMA DENTA, KLINIKA SEMEYNOY STOMATOLOGIIRussia, 614090, Perm City, Soldatova St, 16, of. 401
    +7 342 288-20-10

    Stomatological service  Stomatologicheskie kliniki  correction of bite 

  3. PRO-STOMATOLOGIYARussia, 614066, Perm City, Baumana St, 5a , of. 203
    +7 342 227-81-65

    Stomatological service  Stomatologicheskie kliniki  Lechenie zubov  

  4. PRONTO, STOMATOLOGICHESKIY KABINETRussia, 614000, Perm City, Sibirskaya St, 9, ofis 220
    +7 342 212-37-37

    Stomatological service  prosthetic dentistry  Dentists 

  5. RADEKS, MEDITSINSKIY TSENTRRussia, 614000, Perm City, Lunacharskogo St, 26a
    +7 342 212-30-30

    Lechenie zubov   teeth bleaching  correction of shape 

  6. RADUGA N, STOMATOLOGICHESKIY TSENTRRussia, 614068, Perm City, Lenina St, 82
    +7 342 236-69-58

    Stomatological service  Stomatologicheskie kliniki  Lechenie zubov  

  7. SANTE, STOMATOLOGICHESKIY KABINETRussia, 614010, Perm City, Komsomolskiy avenue, 77
    +7 342 244-28-04

    Stomatological service  prosthetic dentistry  Lechenie zubov  

  8. SAPFIRA, STOMATOLOGICHESKIY TSENTRRussia, 614087, Perm City, Malkova St, 4
    +7 342 238-21-10

    Stomatological service  Stomatologicheskie kliniki  Lechenie zubov  

  9. SCHELKUNCHIK, TSENTR STOMATOLOGIIRussia, 614077, Perm City, Gagarina Blvd, 66a, of. 10
    +7 342 261-66-55

    Stomatological service  Stomatologicheskie kliniki  Lechenie zubov  

  10. SEMEYNAYA STOMATOLOGIYA PLYUS, G. SOLIKAMSKRussia, 618547, Perm Region, Solikamsk Town, Kaliynaya St, 138
    +7 34253 6-60-86

    Stomatological service  Lechenie zubov   teeth bleaching 

  11. SEMEYNAYA STOMATOLOGIYA, G. BEREZNIKIRussia, 618425, Perm Region, Berezniki Town, Mira St, 82
    +7 3424 20-45-02

    Stomatological service  Stomatologiya Berezniki. Stomatolog  Detskaya stomatologiya 

  12. SEMEYNAYA STOMATOLOGIYA, G. SOLIKAMSKRussia, 618500, Perm Region, Solikamsk Town, Severnaya St, 72
    +7 34253 6-76-76

    Stomatological service  Lechenie zubov   teeth bleaching 

  13. SEMEYNIY STOMATOLOG I YA, G. ALEKSANDROVSK R/P YAYVARussia, 618340, Perm Region, Aleksandrovsk Town, YAyva Industrial community, Zavodskaya St, 41
    +7 34274 2-23-55

    Stomatologicheskie uslugi  Lechenie zubov   prosthetic dentistry 

  14. SEMEYNIY STOMATOLOG I YA, G. ALEKSANDROVSKRussia, 618320, Perm Region, Aleksandrovsk Town, Lenina St, 32
    +7 34274 3-77-03

    Stomatologicheskie uslugi  Lechenie zubov   prosthetic dentistry 

    +7 342 262-10-11

    Stomatological service  Stomatologicheskie kliniki  Udalenie zubov 

    +7 342 20-24-24-7

    Stomatological service  Stomatologicheskie kliniki  prosthetic dentistry 

  17. SOVERSHENSTVO, KLINIKA ESTETICHESKOY MEDITSINIRussia, 618400, Perm Region, Berezniki Town, Sverdlova St, 49
    +7 3424 24-27-57

    Massazh  Stomatological service  Stomatologiya Berezniki. Stomatolog 

  18. STOMADENT, STOMATOLOGICHESKIY KABINET V G. KRASNOKAMSKRussia, 617060, Perm Region, Krasnokamsk Town, Bolshevistskaya St, 38
    +7 34273 7-18-81

    Meditsinskie tsentri  Hospitals, polyclinics. Emergency  Lechenie zubov  

  19. STOMALYUKSRussia, 618500, Perm Region, Solikamsk Town, Severnaya St, 47
    +7 908-247-37-37

    Stomatological service  Lechenie zubov   teeth bleaching 

  20. STOMATOLOGICHESKAYA KLINIKA PGMU IM. AKADEMIKA E. A. VAGNERARussia, 614000, Perm City, Lunacharskogo St, 74b
    +7 342 236-06-23

    Stomatological polyclinics  Ortopediya V stomatologii  Dentists 

The help system "ALLO" contains the information on overwhelming majority of really working companies and the organizations of Perm and the Perm edge in the database. We constantly collect the data from firms about their goods, services and contacts and we watch an urgency of this information. We hope that you will find in our products the companies interesting you, the goods and services. Yours faithfully, collective Izdateltsva NjuToN in Perm.

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