Companies: 68

Memorials, ritual implements. Perm.

  1. PAMYATNIKI POD KLYUCHRussia, 614065, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 310V/3
    +7 982-230-66-08

    Memorials, ritual implements  Coffins  Izgotovlenie pamyatnikov 

  2. PERMSKIY VOENNO-MEMORIALNIY KOMPLEKS (KIROVSKIY RAYON)Russia, 614032, Perm City, Marshala Ribalko St, 109
    +7 342 284-07-80

    Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Coffins  Kresti 

  3. PERMSKIY VOENNO-MEMORIALNIY KOMPLEKSRussia, 614065, Perm City, Kosmonavtov fwy, 403
    +7 342 294-60-52

    Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Pohoronnie sluzhbi  Krematsiya 

  4. REKVIEM, AGENTSTVO RITUALNIH USLUG, FILIALRussia, 614038, Perm City, Kronita St, 8
    +7 342 275-21-71

    Memorials, ritual implements  Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  evacuation of dead people 

  5. RITUAL, POHORONNOE BYURORussia, 614113, Perm City, Lasvinskaya St, 22
    +7 342 250-40-33

    engraving workings  Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Memorials, ritual implements 

  6. RITUALOPTPERMRussia, 614067, Perm City, Mashinistov St, 49b
    +7 342 213-57-07

    Memorials, ritual implements 

  7. SIBIRIT, PROIZVODSTVENNAYA KOMPANIYARussia, 614013, Perm City, Naberezhnaya 3-ya St, 44
    +7 342 259-13-12

    Stoves. Fireplaces  Memorials, ritual implements  Oblitsovochniy kirpich, kamen 

  8. SODEYSTVIE, POHORONNIY DOMRussia, 614107, Perm City, Gracheva St, 12 liter K
    +7 342 255-39-57

    Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  evacuation of dead people  burial 

    +7 342 278-47-07

    Memorials, ritual implements  Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Venki 

  10. STATIM-R, GORODSKOY POHORONNIY DOM (SVERDLOVSKIY RAYON)Russia, 614089, Perm City, Samarkandskaya St, 135/1
    +7 342 278-47-07

    Memorials, ritual implements  Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Venki 

  11. STATUS, SET RITUALNIH SALONOV (INDUSTRIALNIY RAYON)Russia, 614036, Perm City, Kachalova St, 10
    +7 342 279-77-87

    Memorials, ritual implements  Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Coffins 

  12. STATUS, SET RITUALNIH SALONOVRussia, 614042, Perm City, Himgradskaya St, 1
    +7 342 283-14-26

    Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Memorials, ritual implements  Pamyatniki 

  13. STATUS, SET RITUALNIH SALONOVRussia, 614023, Perm City, Admirala Ushakova St, 10
    +7 342 279-77-87

    Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Memorials, ritual implements  Ritualnie venki 

  14. STATUS, SET RITUALNIH SALONOVRussia, 614113, Perm City, Marshala Ribalko St, 74
    +7 951-957-60-04

    Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Memorials, ritual implements  Ritualnie venki 

  15. STATUS, SET RITUALNIH SALONOVRussia, 614023, Perm City, Buksirnaya St, 4a
    +7 904-840-68-24

    Memorials, ritual implements  Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Coffins 

  16. STELARussia, 614067, Perm City, Krasnoborskaya St, 171
    +7 950-469-92-75

    Memorials, ritual implements  Pamyatniki  fences 

  17. STIKS, RITUALNO-POHORONNAYA ORGANIZATSIYARussia, 614067, Perm City, Vagonnaya St, 5
    +7 912-592-33-83

    Memorials, ritual implements  Burial sevice. Undertaker's offices  Pamyatniki 

  18. VYUNIK "PAMYATNIKI. GRANIT. MRAMOR", D. KONDRATOVORussia, 614506, Perm Region, Perm district, Kondratovo Village, Vodoprovodnaya St, 4/1
    +7 342 276-26-16

    Memorials, ritual implements  marble  Stone products 

  19. VYUNIK "PAMYATNIKI. GRANIT. MRAMOR", DZERZHINSKIY RAYON, SEVERNOE KLADBISCHERussia, 614067, Perm City, Krasnoborskaya 1-ya St, 183
    +7 342 234-98-00

    Memorials, ritual implements  marble  Pamyatniki 

  20. VYUNIK "PAMYATNIKI. GRANIT. MRAMOR", DZERZHINSKIY RAYONRussia, 614097, Perm City, Parkoviy avenue, 25v
    +7 342 234-18-88

    Memorials, ritual implements  marble  Decorative smithery 

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